A comprehensive entrepreneurship green innovation business (GIB) as model for the internationalization. The case of BIO-FOM in the urban area of Guadalajara


  • José G. Vargas-Hernández


Integral model, eco efficiency, internationalization


The objective of this paper is to analyze the functioning of an integral model of entrepreneurship in green innovation business (GIB) that are currently emerging and in the process of internationalization. Therefore, this work aims to study the central perspectives of technology that are based on the phenomenon of entrepreneurship and thus develop a strategy that adapts to companies with an ecological basis to achieve internationalization. Once having a clear idea of ​​what an eco-efficient oriented company is, it is analyzed why this type of ecological-based companies, which, although they contribute to the environment, have many barriers when it comes to wanting to expand into new markets. Most of the companies that adopt the ecoefficient stance, are small companies which have very clean transformation processes because most of their processes are handcrafted and do not have great waste, in the same way the materials used by this type of companies They are biodegradable and do not harm the environment, they are always very concerned about the sustainable development of the planet. But due to this type of factors, these eco-efficient companies face many barriers in the course of their business career, the barriers can be technological, financing, governmental, imitation, among many other barriers that may be found along the way. Therefore, in this work an eco-efficient company dedicated to organic compost will be analyzed, through the integral model of entrepreneurship to analyze which are the factors that slow down or that help the internalization of companies with an ecological base.This article analyzes a particular company, which specializes in the area of ecological bio mineral organic fertilizer, where no chemical product is used to produce the composition, everything that is marketed is made up of a base of organic minerals and other organic compounds.


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