Actual Issues and Tendenciees of Devepment of Landscape Geography in Georgia


  • nodar elizbarashvili


Geography, Landscape, Landscape Ecology, Lanscape Etology, Lanscape Planning


The case with term Landscape is slightly different. At one glance, the term denotes the peculiarities of a geographical space only. However, there is scarcely any branch of politics, social field, economy, military field or arts not using term Landscape in many different ways. Moreover, even geography has several tens of names and explanations of Landscape. It is them, used to explain the modern state of geographical environment. It should also be noted that the number of scientific publications with novel interpretations of term Landscape increases steadfastly. The fact is that the great number of such explanations evidences that geographical landscape is a particular study object. We think that at present, together with the ecologization, economization, humanization, sociologization and politicization, we can boldly talk about the “landscaping” of geography, i.e. landscape geography. One of the most important objectives of geographical sciences is still the updating of the theoretical foundation of a complex geographical study by way of synthesis of geographical disciples. A single geographical study is desirable to accomplish by identifying and analyzing the geographical, regional and typological units. The examples of regional units are eco-geo-systems (large natural-economic formations) or river basins, and those of typological units are landscapes. At present, there is one more important factor evidencing the importance of landscape geography. This factor is associated with the realization of the major requirements of the European Landscape Convention underlying the particular role of landscape in the societal development. The Convention is joined by many European countries what puts the consideration of urgent objectives related to the analysis, synthesis and planning of a single methodology, or landscape on the agenda.


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